This yoga mat is 5mm thick and can be used for a variaty of practices. Use it as an everyday mat, use it at home, or take it with you to your yoga class.
It is produced with an emphasis on performance, comfort and contemporary design. The surface of the mat is made of technical material Flexible PU, which quickly absorbs sweat on the mat surface, quick-drying, and is non-slippery. The back of the mat is made of rubber material, which is non-slip on the ground, has sufficient grip without shifting.
Other colors available also.
這款瑜伽墊厚度為 5 毫米,可用於各種練習。 可將其用作日常墊子、在家中使用,或隨身攜帶去上瑜伽課。
它的生產重點是性能、舒適性和現代設計。 地墊表面採用科技材質Flexible PU,可快速吸收地墊表面的汗水,速乾,防滑。 墊子背面採用橡膠材質,在地面上防滑,抓地力足,不移位。
Product information (產品信息):
Weight(重量): 3 kg
Dimensions(尺寸): 1830mm x 680mm
Thickness(厚度): 5mm
Material(材质): 100% Rubber(100%橡胶)
Note: Light colored yoga mats are more prone to stains than dark colored yoga mats. (注意:淺色瑜伽墊比深色瑜伽墊更容易沾染污漬。)
Redeem(兌換):440 points, or 280 points + $200